Less Is More

“You can’t keep asking for more of certain things, you know? One of the keys to life is having a sense of proportion, knowing how long to sit at a restaurant after you’ve eaten, or how long you should go on vacation – if you go to Hawaii for a month on vacation, I guarantee […]

Seinfeld: Why There’s Nothing Better (And Won’t Be)

I found two great reads today about the historic (and my favorite) show, Seinfeld. Ah, yes …the show about four insecure characters who didn’t know they were so neurotic — or maybe they just didn’t care. The show changed my life, in terms of both humor and general creativity. Seinfeld taught me what it was […]

Things Americans Do That Foreigners Find Bizarre

This is a fun read in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer (originally published in Business Insider). Many of these things are second nature to Americans who have been in the United States all their lives, or even those who have been around for six months. But really, who doesn’t want to buy toilet paper rolls, strawberry jam, […]